How big would the California wild fires be in Tampa Bay?

As you know, California is currently in the middle of one of their biggest wildfires in history. Right now the fire is covering more than 450 square miles in Northern California and causing devastating damage for people. 

It made us wonder, if a wildfire of this size would pop up in the Tampa Bay area, how big would it be? NBC in Los Angeles  put together an interactive map that shows you exactly how large the fire would be when you type in your address, and this thing is HUGE! 

For reference, below is how these wildfires would look if they were right in our own back yard...searching from Tampa, much of hillsborough county, Oldsmar, Palm Harbor and many of the beaches would be gone! 

You can do your own map, click here.

Red Tide Moves Into Pinellas County Waters

Red tide concentrations in Pinellas are at low or background levels.

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