Arby's Curly Fry Vodka Now Exists - And It Sounds.... Interesting?

Have you ever been munching down on a curly fry and thought.... 'hmmm... I wish this flavor existed in a vodka' at all? Well, you're in luck. Check this out. Not a curly fry lover? No worries... they are going to have crinkle cut fry vodka too.

  • Curly Fry Vodka –is distilled with “cayenne, paprika, onion, and garlic” and “preserves the distinctive tasting notes” of the Curly Fry.
  • Crinkle Fry Vodka –it “honors the rich tradition of salted potato shapes” and is made with “real kosher salt and sugar” honoring the “simple perfection” of the Crinkle Fry.

Want some? I don't... but if you do - ArbysVodka.Com

But you have 8 days until it's released..

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