Florida Woman Leaves Her $2.5M Mansion and Hefty Inheritance To Her Cats

Nancy Sauer of Tampa, Florida, passed recently at the age of 84, and in her will ask that a “substantial” amount of her inheritance should go to her seven cats.

Sauer also requested that her home not be sold until all seven cats living inside the mansion had passed away. After 4 months of the seven cats roaming free in the estate, the Humane Society has stepped in. The executive director of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay stepped in saying, “Cats shouldn’t be left by themselves in a big house. I am going to personally make sure that we can keep as many together as we can and that they go to the perfect house.”

Whoever ends up with Cleopatra, Goldfinger, Leo, Midnight, Napoleon, Snowball, and Squeaky won’t be left empty-handed. 

Photo: Getty Images

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