A Miami-Dade officer is being investigated for punching a woman in the face and knocking her out after she attempted to slap him multiple times.
Let me just say that I have the utmost respect for all of our officers. God Bless you for not only putting your lives on the line every single day to protect us, but for also having to deal with situations like this. That being said...as a police officer, you CANNOT do this.
I completely understand the woman is trying to slap him, and he’s attempting to neutralize the situation. But to react by punching her in the face? HARD. Nope. Will never be ok with this. She doesn’t have a weapon (besides her hand), the rest of her is contained. As a police officer, you have to control the situation better. You hold her arm (like the other one is). You grab onto her wrist and contain her. Something. Other than punching her in the face.
That’s just my opinion.