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If you haven't updated your iPhone software to iOS 14.8 yet, you might want to as soon as possible. Apple issued an emergency software update to stop a major spyware attack.
Apple's security team found a flaw in iOS that allowed the spyware to infect anyone's iPhone!
According to the NY Times:
The spyware, called Pegasus, used a novel method to invisibly infect Apple devices without victims’ knowledge. Known as a “zero click remote exploit,” it is considered the Holy Grail of surveillance because it allows governments, mercenaries and criminals to secretly break into someone’s device without tipping the victim off. Using the zero-click infection method, Pegasus can turn on a user’s camera and microphone, record messages, texts, emails, calls — even those sent via encrypted messaging and phone apps like Signal — and send them back to NSO’s clients at governments around the world.
There's an update for your phone, computer, and watch!