Brian Fink

Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a major smart-ass with major OCD, who has an unhealthy obsession with his cats, dance music, grilled cheese, and long walks on the...Full Bio


Girl’s Screams On Slingshot Are Demonic

I’ll skydive. I’ll bungee. I’ll ride every roller coaster at Busch Gardens.

But I will never ever ever ever ever EVER ever ever do the Slingshot. 

a) I know my anxiety, and it would absolutely destroy me with the anticipation of being shot 300 feet in the air on a glorified rubber band.

b) I’ve seen way too many videos of people freaking out and blacking out. I will not allow that to be me. 

c) I will NOT allow that to be me. 

PODCAST: Episode 4 of #TotallySpoiled, Wrapping Up "This Is Us" - Thumbnail Image

PODCAST: Episode 4 of #TotallySpoiled, Wrapping Up "This Is Us"

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