Brian Fink

Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a major smart-ass with major OCD, who has an unhealthy obsession with his cats, dance music, grilled cheese, and long walks on the...Full Bio


WATCH: Man Fights Off Shotgun-Wielding Home Invader To Protect Fiancé

Criminal man in hidden mask pointing the shotgun

Photo: Getty Images

I guess this happened last year, but I never saw it. And the video is going viral again on Instagram!

Crazy security video shows a man with a shotgun breaking into a couple's home, while the fiancé is on the couch scrolling on her phone. The home invader points the shotgun at the man, then turns it towards the woman. When he does that, the man jumps into action and attacks the wanna-be thief, wrestling for the gun and pulling it away from the intruder. (Watch the video below)

According to Unilad:

The couple had just returned from a date night at at an escape room, and were preparing to watch a crime documentary with Isabelle lounging on the sofa on her phone and Caspian in the kitchen area, when a masked intruder entered their flat, armed with a shotgun. Caspian then grabbed the shotgun's barrel and tackled the intruder to the floor, before being dragged down the stairs by the suspect. When the pair were out of sight, Isabelle ran and called 911.


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