Brian Fink

Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a major smart-ass with major OCD, who has an unhealthy obsession with his cats, dance music, grilled cheese, and long walks on the...Full Bio


PODCAST: Madelline Talks Her Smash “i’m only here for the beat”

Photo: YouTube/@iamBrianFink

Brooklyn-based artist Madelline has got her hands in a LOT of projects, including being a singer, songwriter, actress, AND author! She joins us for the first time on AD30, and shares how her smash "i'm only here for the beat" was born!! Plus how she ended up in Montreal, Canada!

(Listen to the AD30 podcast w Madelline below)

We also get to know Madelline better w #FinkysFirsts!

Find out about:

  • what she first wanted to be growing up
  • the first song she ever wrote
  • the first thing she would do if she knew today was her last day
  • the first dance song that made her fall in love w EDM
  • the first thing she did when she got to Canada
  • the first thing she sees when she closes her eyes



Madelline - “i’m only here for the beat”

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