Brian Fink

Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a major smart-ass with major OCD, who has an unhealthy obsession with his cats, dance music, grilled cheese, and long walks on the...Full Bio


Rüfüs Du Sol

Celebrating their smash "Music Is Better" going #1 on the dance chart, Jon George from Rüfüs Du Sol joined us on America's Dance 30, shared how the song was born, how long ago they started working on it, if the lyrics are in honor of a real person, and how many Vs there were of the song before its release.

Jon also talked all about "Break My Love" AND their 5th studio album "Inhale/Exhale"!

We also got to know Jon and Rüfüs Du Sol better w #FinkysFirsts!!

Find out about:

  • what he first wanted to be growing up
  • where their original artist project name 'Rufus' came from
  • where 'Rüfüs Du Sol' came from
  • the first show they did together as a group
  • the first thing he does on show days
  • the first thing he does after shows
  • the first song that makes everything better for him

Follow: @AmericasDance30 on all socials!

Count down the biggest dance songs in the country every week with Brian Fink on America’s Dance 30; listen on stations around the world!

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