A week ago today I was heading down to Miami for a trip of a lifetime. A trip that my brother and I would talk about for the rest of our lives. With Covid raging at the moment, I knew I was taking a risk but when your favorite football team makes the College Football Playoff for the first time, you have to make a choice. Some of you are thinking, "good choice on going to the game", others are thinking "you idiot, why would you risk it!?" Football fans get me.
My Michigan Wolverines got destroyed so I took a huge L in more ways than one. Two days after returning from Miami I started to feel the symptoms of a cold. The weather had just dropped in temperature, I figured it was most likely just a cold but got tested to be safe. I got the test on Tuesday morning and have been in quarantine ever since. Late Thursday night I finally got the results, the word "Positive" read on the labs website.
I will now remember my first trip to Miami as the time I witnessed my favorite team get it's ass kicked and Covid finally getting me after 2 years. Luckily I am vaccinated and it hasn't been so bad. Runny nose, coughing, and shortness of breath but I seem to be on the better end of things. Stay safe out there, and stay home if you are sick.